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A Word from the Youth Pastor


I want to welcome any child or youth to our church. It has been an honor to be youth pastor at Fingerville for 10 years. We want everyone to know that we love them.  Our youth live in a wicked world, we want to show them the love of Jesus. 

The goal of the Youth Ministry at Fingerville First Baptist is to develop mature disciples of Jesus Christ.


James 1:22 says, “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only.” Our youth are encouraged not to simply come and listen to God’s word, but to go and put it into practice in their daily lives.


In addition to our weekly Worship Services, there are a number of other events throughout the year where our youth can have fun, fellowship, and worship God. Our hope in all these things is that our youth will come to love God, but also to develop habits that will help them mature in their faith.  

Youth Bible Study


We will have youth Bible Study in the youth room at Fingerville First Baptist Church starting at 6pm on Sundays. This will be for 5th-12th grade. We would love for any young adult starting college or currently in college to attend also. We will take everyone’s temperature before we start.


Future Events

Youth camp,

Children’s Camp

Pizza Inn Fundraiser

Water Day-kids and youth


Check here and/or on our Facebook page for exact dates for these events and other special announcements. 

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